Growing Pears at the Allotment

Growing Pears at the Allotment

Growing Pears at the Allotment

Growing pear trees in your allotment or home garden can be extremely rewarding, they provide juicy, sweet fruit that can be eaten raw or cooked and can also act as an ornamental addition. Pear blossoms appear in the spring and are extremely captivating while the leaves and ripe fruits create a warm hue during autumn.

If you are wondering how to grow pears in a small kitchen garden, then, don’t worry. Pear trees can be easily grown in smaller spaces and even in containers. Pears are a delicious fruit that comes in many varieties; with two main types - Cookers for cooking and Dessert Pears for eating. 

Read our guide on how to grow a pear tree in your allotment and have a steady supply of delicious, succulent pears.

Can You Grow Pears in the UK

Have you been wondering if you can grow pears in the UK? The answer is a resounding yes. Pears are almost native to the UK and have been grown since time immemorial. Growing pear trees in the UK is comparatively easier than other plants such as nectarines or plums. 

Some popular pear variants include Conference, Concorde, and Williams Bon Chrétien. They are reliable to grow, even in the north, where the temperatures are lower and weather conditions are more challenging.

How to Grow Pears

Growing pear trees in the UK is very similar to growing apple trees. Pear trees tend to flower earlier and are more susceptible to late frosts. You can plant dormant trees any time but ideally during late autumn to February as long as the soil is not frozen or sodden. Potted variants can be planted at any time during the year.

You can plant bare root trees in a sunny but sheltered position, which is ideally south-facing. Plant the tree in well-drained soil and protect it against frost if required. They will need a hole as deep as the roots but a few times wider for growth. Ensure the soil is packed in and around the roots tightly, with no air pockets. 

Pear trees can be trained as espaliers or cordons. Similar to apples, when growing pear trees in the UK, it’s best to plant two trees side by side. They require pollination by a similar species to provide a good harvest.

Water your pear tree regularly during dry spells, especially when they begin to produce fruit. Pear blossoms appear early in Spring when you can still experience frosty or cold weather, add a layer of horticulture fleece to protect the tree during such times. Mulching and fertilising the soil during spring can help in producing a good harvest.

Your pear tree should be pruned annually to help produce a better crop, when and how you prune it will depend on your variety. It’s best to prune pear trees during winters when the plant is dormant. You can prune a second time during summer to allow proper growth among the fruits. Look out for canker or any disease as you go.

You can also grow pear trees in containers, this will be a 'Rootstock' such as Quince C. Plant it with good quality compost and ensure your container has drainage.


Look out for any rot or leaf rust and remove the offending fruit and leaves to help prevent it from spreading. You may wish to train your tree, depending on the variety. 

How To Harvest Pear Trees

When growing pear trees in the UK, be ready to pluck the fruit from late August onwards. You can check if the pear is fit for plucking, by lightly twisting the fruit from the base. If it comes off the branch easily, you are good to go, if you find resistance, come back in a day or two and try again.

Pears should be picked just before they ripen but are plump with a slight colour change. Pears can deteriorate quite quickly once they become fully ripe, however,  they should last in the fridge for a couple of weeks. Depending on the variety, your pears will benefit from being stored until softened and ripe from as little as a week to quite a few months. 

Pears can be cooked and used for desserts, chutneys and also be pickled.

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Growing Pears in Summary

Planting Pears

  • Plant dormant trees from late autumn to February
  • Plant in a sunny and sheltered position
  • Can be planted in containers

Growing Pears

  • Water regularly during dry spells, especially when producing fruit
  • Prune annually
  • Watch for canker and other diseases

Harvesting Pears

  • Pick before fully ripened but plump with slight colour change
  • Store well until softened
  • Can be pickled and cooked for desserts and more