December is here and you may be glad of a quieter allotment month with Christmas around the corner but there is still plenty you can be doing if you want to escape the crowds at the shops!
Allotment produce may make somebody a nice, homemade gift; whether that is a hamper or a simple jar of chutney or jam.
There is not much you can plant out directly now, but if the soil is not frozen you can plant out dormant bareroot fruit trees. Garlic can also be planted out directly.
There is a fair amount of vegetables you can still sow or plant on indoors, or in a greenhouse; particularly if it is heated. Ensure there is ventilation, yet enough heat and light in any winter protection that you use.
You can still work the compost heap, turning it and cover it to stop excess rain from washing all of the nutrients away.
Keep your brassicas netted and remove any outer leaves that have turned yellow to prevent any disease spreading.
December can also be a good month for splitting crowns, like rhubarb. Also, take hard wood cuttings from some fruits for propagation.
A fresh, dry day may also be a good opportunity to do any maintenance work, clean up tools and equipment and clean out the shed and greenhouse.
If, you are all up to date with plot tasks, enjoy a cup of hot chocolate to get in to the Christmas spirit and pour over some seed catalogues, growing websites and books to get inspired and get planning for next year. There may be the odd item that needs replacing or you fancy trying something new that could be added to your Christmas wish list!
Harvest any remaining vegetables that will not tolerate the colder winter months that may have been left if the autumn has been mild.
The most important job this month is to harvest your fresh sprouts and vegetables for Christmas dinner!