Lingonberry plants are hardy and Lingonberries are very similar to Cranberries in flavour. They can be cultivated in the same way. Lingonberries thrive in acidic soil in semi-shade and are best planted during autumn from a cutting. They are an ever-green, low growing plant.
Lingonberries can be planted in the soil or in containers, but must be kept weed-free as they do not compete well with weeds and should be watered regularly until the Lingonberry plant is established. Do not allow it to completely dry out; yet do not allow it to become water-logged as Lingonberries are prone to root rot. Add mulch to retain moisture and supress the weeds.
Every few years, cut away and prune; removing any dead wood and trim the runners. Always leave the upright stems. This will help berry growth.
The Lingonberry produces beautiful, bell-shaped flowers and forms fruit that will be ready for harvesting the following autumn; Lingonberries take a few years to produce its first crop. You will likely be able to harvest Lingonberries a few times in one season, once the berries are fully ripened and red in colour.
Lingonberries are rather tart in taste and are used in cooking for desserts and preserves but they can be eaten fresh. They can be frozen for storage too.