Dill is an attractive culinary herb that has delicate yellow flowers and can grow over 3 feet high. It is best sown directly or grown in containers as it does not like its roots being disturbed by transporting it out.
Sow dill seeds from mid-spring onwards and you can harvest dill leaves approximately 2 months after sowing time. Dill likes full sun or a little shade and may require a supporting cane as it grows taller.
Do not sow dill near fennel as cross-pollination can affect the flavours for both plants.
Protect the dill plant with fleece during any cold weather spells, dill will bolt early if it gets too cold and wet.
You can cut and come again with dill, which also encourages re-growth and delays the flowering. After the dill plant has flowered, it will self-seed around your plot, you may want to remove any seedlings if this happens or cut off the flowers as they form unless you are growing it for seed.
By cutting the plant to ground level, it will re-grow for a second harvest. You can sow dill seeds little and often for a longer cropping season going into autumn.
Both the leaves and seeds can be used in cooking and can also be dried or frozen for storage.