Companion Planting at Your Allotment

Companion planting is a term used for planting vegetables and flowers/plants together that will be beneficial for the others' growth. It may be that one will deter certain pests that will likely eat the leaves of the other. They may help with pollination and to fight disease. Some will help to attract pollinators. Likewise, there are plants that should not be planted together as it could result in a poor crop and be detrimental to it's growth.

In a nutshell, its an organic method of balancing nature to maximise it's effectiveness and can also be space saving when plants are grown together. You may also be interested in our Container Growing and Vertical Growing for other space-saving ideas. Some companion plants can be planted together in the same bed, some will benefit from being close by or bordering the bed.

Of course, you are not limited to vegetables and herbs. Flowers too, offer their benefits as well as colour and pollination.

Also see our Crop Rotation page. Here we have put together some good companions as well as 'enemies'.

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Growing 'Friends'

Asparagus and Tomatoes

Brassicas and Sage

Beans and Sweetcorn

Beetroot and Chard, Spinach, Lettuce and Brassicas

Broad beans and Summer Savory

Broccoli and Brassicas, Beetroot, Celery, Cucumber, Onions (Alliums)

Brussels Sprouts and Brassicas, Beetroot, Celery, Cucumber, Onions (Alliums)

Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale and Mint, Nasturtium

Carrots and Leeks, Mint or Spring Onions

Celeriac and Onions, Radishes, Lettuce, Leeks

Chard and Beetroot, Lettuce, Onions, Brassicas, Beans, Celery

Chives and Chrysanthemums

Courgette and Calendula

Cucumbers and Tomatoes, Lettuce, Beans, Peas

Garlic and Roses

Kale and Beetroot, Lettuce, Brassicas, Onions, Celery

Lettuce and Radishes, Brassicas, Onions

Onion and Mint

Parsnips and other Root Veg and Onions

Radish and Mint

Roses and Chives, Garlic, Mint, Thyme

Runner beans and Nasturtium or Sweet Peas

Squash and Sweetcorn, Beans, Radishes

Sunflowers and Chives

Tomatoes and Basil, Chives, Marigolds, Mint 



Growing 'Enemies'

 Beans and Onions (Alliums)

Beetroot and Runner Beans

Broccoli and Tomatoes, Peppers, Squashes, Courgettes

Brussels Sprouts and Tomatoes, Peppers, Squashes, Courgettes

Cabbage and Tomatoes, Peppers, Squashes, Courgettes

Carrots and Potatoes

Cauliflower and Tomatoes, Peppers, Squashes, Courgettes

Celeriac and Celery (not immediately close)

Celery and Celeriac (not immediately close)

Chard and Potatoes, Sweetcorn, Cucumbers, Courgettes, Squashes

Garlic and Legumes

Kale and Tomatoes, Peppers, Squashes, Courgettes

Leeks and Legumes

Onions and Legumes

Parsnips and Potatoes, Carrots

Peas and Onions

Peppers and Brassicas, Potatoes

Potatoes and Brassicas, Parsnips, Tomatoes, Peppers, Courgettes, Squashes, Carrots

Spinach and Potatoes

Sweetcorn and Tomatoes

Tomatoes and Brassicas, Potatoes, Sweetcorn



Plant Benefits

Basil improves peppers' productivity and enhances flavour with tomatoes, lettuce and peppers

Beans release nitrogen into the soil

Chives, Onions, Lavender will attract pollinators

Garlic deters pests with its pungent aroma

Herbs deter pests as well as attract pollinators - See details for individual varieties

Lettuces provide ground cover and water retention

Mint deters pests with its strong aroma

Nasturtiums deter blackfly, Cabbage white butterfly and other pests

Onions, Allium family deter carrot fly and pests due to their pungent smell

Peas release nitrogen into the soil

Radishes deter pests and aphids

Sweetcorn and tall plants can provide shade