BBKA National Honey Day 21 October 2024

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The British Beekeepers' Association celebrate National Honey Day on 21st October each year.

They would like to invite you to share in this day when they will be encouraging everyone to buy a jar of local honey, produced by bees here in the UK.  Not only do they want to ensure people are aware of all the benefits honey provides but they are seeking to celebrate the pleasure of eating honey. Honey has been enjoyed all over the world for centuries, it was found in the Egyptian tombs and is often depicted being collected by bees in ancient cave drawings.

  • During this day of celebration, you could encourage friends and family to share photos on social media: you and your jars of local honey!

  • The things you do with your honey. Perhaps you eat it on toast or in porridge? Perhaps you bake with honey or make mead? Do you make cosmetics containing honey?

  • Use the hashtags #NationalHoneyDay, #LocalHoney, #Beekeeping

But they are concerned that consumers are able to buy a jar labelled honey that contains additives such as corn syrup, and other chemicals. They want people to be aware and informed about the worldwide fraud affecting imported honey.

The BBKA will be continuing the work started as a response to propositions in the Annual Delegates Meeting in January 2022 calling on the Government to revisit the intended change in labelling of honey sold in the UK. Some changes were due to have come into law in 2022 but have been delayed until 2024. They want people to be able to recognise honey produced here in the UK and be able to have a choice in what they are buying. Some imported honey has never been collected by a bee. The BBKA is asking for informed information on the labels of honey.  They are asking that consumers and our beekeepers are protected from the fraud, which is occurring worldwide now.

Many thanks for your continued support of this important initiative.

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