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11th Jun 2024

With dodging rain, working and a half term holiday thrown in we have been so busy playing catch up with the allotment plot.  The polytunnel is now taking shape with the tomatoes, chillies and strawberries settling in nicely. The cucumbers and melons will be next to go up in large pots.  

I've sown seeds directly into a raised bed within the polytunnel for swede.  We haven't had much luck growing swede, so nothing to lose trying them in there.  I also have some celeriac seeds in propagation trays before planting outside.

For now, the plot is generally weed-free and tidy, grass mown and most crops in situ. We have onions, leeks, sweetcorn, parsnips, carrots, dwarf beans, potatoes, radishes, beetroot, spring onions, spinach, lettuce, rocket, asparagus, pumpkins and sprouts. We also have some fruit bushes at the bottom - raspberries, more strawberries, gooseberries and blackberries.

We've tackled our messy composting area and spread some lovely composted soil across our beds. We plan to sow some wildflowers on a patch also. We have a 'new' compost 'pile' but do need to address that with something 'proper' and more permanent...

Another job to tackle is an irrigation system for the polytunnel, we also aim to expand the use of it by adding shelving/workbenches. We've had a move around and tidied the shed and used some of the polytunnel for a little storage - it's so nice to actually be able to walk into the shed now and sit down! 

Well, it looks as though we're in for yet another wet week so we will see what we manage to get done!


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